Disclaimer: Data on this website was sourced in August 2019 from the latest available data August 2019. Auto & General Services Pty Ltd does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the data and accepts no liability whatsoever arising from or connected in any way to the use or reliance upon this data.

Quick stats

  • The total domestic and international spend for the year ending March 2019 was $21.9 billion
  • There were 39.3 million domestic and international visitors to Sydney for the year ending March 2019
  • Domestic and international visitors spent 113.3 million nights in Sydney

Domestic overnight tourism

By number

In the year ending March 2019 there was a total of 11.4 million domestic overnight visitors to Sydney.


The total spend of domestic overnight visitors in Sydney was $9.1 billion and the average spend per night was $293.


The total number of nights spent in Sydney by domestic overnight tourists was 31 million, the average length of stay in the region was 2.7 nights.

Purpose of visit

34% of domestic overnight visitors came for the purpose of business. 33% came to visit family and friends and 26% came for holidays.

Purpose of overnight visit


39% of domestic overnight visitors came from regional New South Wales. 22% visited from Victoria and 15% came from Queensland.


23% of domestic overnight visitors were aged 15-29 years old, 18.5% were 40-49 years old and 17.5% were 50-59 years old.

Overnight arrivals by age


Top 5 activities for domestic overnight visitors

Domestic daytime tourism

By number

In the year ending March 2019 there was a total of 23.8 million domestic daytime visitors to Sydney.


The total spend of domestic day trip visitors in Sydney was $2.7 billion, the average spend per visitor was $114.

Purpose of visit

43% of day trip visitors to Sydney came for the purpose of holidays, 31% of visitors came to visit friends and relatives and 13% came for business purposes.

Purpose of daytime visit


39% of day trip visitors to Sydney came from regional New South Wales, 22% came from Victoria and 14.5% came from Queensland.


25.4% of daytime domestic visitors to Sydney were aged from 15-29 years of age. 17% were aged 60-69 and 15% were aged 40-49.

Daytime arrivals by age


Top 5 activities for domestic daytime visitors

International tourism

By number

In the year ending March 2019 there was a total of 4.1 million international visitors to Sydney, an increase of 0.3.1% on visitors from the previous year.


The total spend by international visitors in Sydney was $10.1 billion, and the average spend was $123 per night.


The total nights spent in Sydney by international travellers was 82.3 million nights which is up 3.1% on the previous year. The average length of stay in Sydney for international visitors was 20.3 nights.

Purpose of visit

31.5% of international tourists came to Sydney to receive an education, 28% came for holidays and 27% came to visit friends and relatives 27%


The top five international source markets to Sydney in the year ending March 2019 were as follows, 18% from China, 12% from the United States, 9% from New Zealand, 7.8% from United Kingdom and 5% from Korea.

Top 5 origins of international visitors

International arrivals by age

30% of international visitors to Sydney were aged between 15-29 years of age. 18.6% were aged between 30-39 years and 16.8% were aged from 50-59 years of age.

Top 5 activities for international visitors


  1. NSW Government, 2024, Insights