Budget Direct recently asked 1,000 Australians about how they prepare for storm season and who should be liable if damage is caused by a neighbour’s property.

  • Less than 30% of surveyed Aussies aged 18-44 have an action plan ready if their home is threatened by a storm
  • With regards to storm damage, almost 50% of Australians surveyed aren’t sure of what their insurance actually covers, or they don’t have home or contents insurance at all

No matter which part of the country you live in, all Australians should prepare for the possibility of a storm. The NSW State Emergency Service (SES) says that ‘Severe Thunderstorm Season’ is observed between October - March during the warmer months.

However, this year alone we have seen damaging storms across Greater Melbourne in June and Perth in July.

Budget Direct’s Jonathan Kerr said, “Your home is likely to be the most valuable asset that you will own in your lifetime, so it pays to protect it”.

“You should also not underestimate the value of your contents as well, they may be worth more than you think.”

Of course, you should follow these 7 tips on How to prepare for a storm to increase your safety should a storm occur while minimising the potential damage

  1. Secure loose items around the house
  2. Clean gutters to prevent blockages
  3. Trim trees and branches near your home
  4. Fix any damage to your roof
  5. Check your insurance policy is adequate
  6. Prepare an emergency kit
  7. Keep up to date on weather warnings

To find out more about how you should claim for damage as a result of a storm, you can check out our Home Insurance FAQs.

You can read more about the results of our storm season survey here https://www.budgetdirect.com.au/home-contents-insurance/research/storm-statistics.html

Disclaimer: This information is general in nature only and does not constitute personal advice. The survey was conducted by PureProfile on behalf of Budget Direct in June 2021. All figures are from this research unless stated otherwise. The survey was conducted online with a total sample size of 1,000 weighted and representative of all Australian adults (aged 18+). While Budget Direct has endeavoured to ensure the information we’ve relied on is accurate and current, we do not guarantee it and accept no liability for this information.

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For any questions or additional details on the survey and its data, please contact [email protected].

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