Budget Direct has recently released our Car Theft survey & statistics for 2021. We asked 1,000 Australians about how they secure their car while at home.

We found some surprising statistics, including:

  • At least 1 in 3 Aussies (34.7%) still believe hotwiring is the most popular method for vehicle theft.
  • At least 1 in 5 Aussies (21.8%) leave their car keys on a table/flat surface near the door, making it easy for thieves to perform “sneak theft”
  • Another 1 in 10 Aussies (12.7%) do not lock their car when they are at home

Sneak theft

A ‘sneak theft’ is when a criminal will steal a car while the owner is home. They will typically use the same method of stealing keys – accessing them through an open window or unguarded door.

Budget Direct’s Jonathan Kerr said, “Budget Direct wants to remind the public that car theft has become more sophisticated and will even target people while they are at home. If you’re in lockdown or working from home we want to strongly encourage you to not become complacent and ensure you lock your car, even while parked in a garage.”

Kerr says “In line with Carsafe, we want you to remember to POP, STOP and LOCK. Pop your keys out of sight, lock your doors and windows, and stop sneak theft.”

More information on how to keep your car safe can be found on Carsafe’s website. You can also find tips and a breakdown of the survey results on our Car Theft survey & statistics page here https://www.budgetdirect.com.au/car-insurance/research/car-theft-statistics.html.

Disclaimer: This information is general in nature only and does not constitute personal advice. The survey was conducted by PureProfile on behalf of Budget Direct in May 2021. All figures are from this research unless stated otherwise. The survey was conducted online with a total sample size of 1,000 weighted and representative of all Australian adults (aged 18+). While Budget Direct has endeavoured to ensure the information we’ve relied on is accurate and current, we do not guarantee it and accept no liability for this information.

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For any questions or additional details on the survey and its data, please contact [email protected].

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