Budget Direct Accidental Damage Cover

Budget Direct Home and Contents Insurance automatically covers loss or damage to your home and contents due to the following 10 insured events:

  • Storm and rainwater (flood cover is optional)
  • Impact at home (e.g. fallen tree)
  • Fire
  • Breakage of glass, ceramic and sanitary fixtures
  • Lightning
  • Malicious damage, vandalism, riot or civil commotion
  • Theft (or attempted theft)
  • Explosion
  • Escape of liquid (e.g. burst pipe)
  • Earthquake or tsunami.

If you also want to be covered for accidental loss or damage, you can add optional ‘Accidental Damage’ cover to your policy.

What is ‘accidental damage’?

We define ‘accidental damage’ as:

Loss or damage caused by a sudden, unintended or unexpected event that is not the result of a deliberate act.

Examples include you spilling red wine on a carpet by mistake; or you unintentionally dropping and breaking a fragile item, such as a vase.

Accidental damage excludes general wear and tear or damage that occurs gradually.

What does Accidental Damage Cover include?

Accidental Damage cover insures your home and contents against a wide range of accidents that can cause loss or damage.

For example, your dog jumping up at the TV, causing it to fall and crack; you knocking a hole in a plasterboard wall while moving a couch; or you accidentally reversing over a bicycle left lying in the driveway.

The exclusions that apply to the 10 insured events mentioned above – see the PDS for details – also apply to Accidental Damage cover, with the following exceptions:

Insured event Accidental Damage also covers...
  • loss or damage caused by scorching or melting when there was heat but no flame
  • scorch marks caused by a hot pan on your benchtop
  • loss or damage caused by heat, ash, smoke or soot when the home or contents have not been damaged by fire.
Breakage of glass, ceramic, or sanitary fixtures
  • glass or crystal items that are designed to be carried by hand 
  • glass that is in a computer, television set, radio or visual display unit 
  • glass that forms part of a radio, clock, vase, ornament or lamp.
Impact at home
  • accidental loss or damage caused by any animal or bird kept at the insured address.

What’s not covered?

Accidental loss or damage caused by...

No a computer virus or a malfunction to a computer system, or loss or corruption of data
No a tenant living in the home or a paying guest staying in the home
No an intentional or deliberate act and any resulting damage
No animals or birds, or their excrement, unless animals or birds impact the home or contents
No any construction, alteration, or renovation work
No any power surge or fluctuation that is not caused by a lightning strike
No scratching, chipping, or denting caused by normal use
No the process of professional cleaning, repairing, restoring, or renovation, or when cleaning involves chemicals other than domestic household chemicals
No the scorching or burning by a cigar, cigarette, or pipe.

Accidental loss or damage to these items...

No aircraft, drones or model craft and their accessories
No bicycles, e-bikes, scooters, and e-scooters while they are being used
No cash, cheques, gift cards, and other similar financial items
No CDs, DVDs, digital storage devices, audio and video tapes, records, computer software, game cartridges, and game consoles
No clothing or accessories
No items used in any business, trade, or profession
No mobile phones including smart phones, smart devices, and their accessories
No sporting, recreational, or leisure goods and equipment while they are being used
No swimming pools, spas, or any associated equipment.

Find out more

The information on this page is a summary only. For more details about Budget Direct home and contents insurance, including the terms, conditions, limits and exclusions that apply, please read the Product Disclosure Statement (PDS)

How to make a claim

If your home and/or contents are lost, damaged or destroyed by an insured event and you need to claim, we’re here to help. Make a claim on your home insurance policy.

How do I add Accidental Damage Cover to my policy?

For an additional premium and subject to our approval, you can add optional Accidental Damage cover to your Budget Direct Home and Contents Insurance policy.

You can do this when you get a quote and buy a policy. (During the quote process you’ll be presented with an initial price before being asked to ‘refine your cover’: This is your opportunity to add optional covers, including Accidental Damage cover.) 

If you’ve already bought a policy, you can add Accidental Damage cover by calling us on 1800 182 310 or logging into your online account and editing your policy.

How will my claim be settled?

Upon acceptance of your claim, we’ll repair or replace your damaged item or give you a cash settlement.

Note that if an item is part of a pair, set, system or collection, we’ll only pay to repair or replace the item that’s been lost or damaged.

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