Emergency Action Plan

1. Prioritise Your Safety

  • Start by identifying the hazard and making sure everyone is safe
  • If it is an emergency - Call Triple Zero - (000)
  • If the hazard is ongoing - Contact the SES 132 500

2. Secure the Area

  • Avoid the damaged area and any ongoing risk
  • Shut off all affected utilities like power, water, or gas (if it is safe to do so)
  • Secure the area (if it is safe to do so) to prevent further access, damage, and loss

3. Contact Us for Claim Support

  • Call us 24/7 on 1800 069 336
  • We will organise a ‘Make Safe’ as a temporary course of action

What is a ‘Make Safe’?

If you experience a major emergency (like a storm or fire) and your home requires urgent attention our team can organise a ‘make safe’. The purpose of a ‘make safe’ is to reduce the amount of risk to those inside the home and prevent further damage to the home itself.

If you require immediate support, we can arrange a ‘make safe’ and complete temporary repairs to your property.


Urgent Financial Need

If you need urgent financial assistance, please let us know. We may be able to fast-track your claim or make an advance payment within five business days of you demonstrating your urgent financial need. Any advance payment may be deducted from the total value of your claim.


Professional Support

Recovering from a claim event can take time and you don’t have to do it alone. There are free, independent, and professional organisations (many available 24/7) that can offer support. A list of organisations is available on our Customer Assistance page.

Contact Us

No matter whether it's online or over the phone, you are able to contact us 24/7.

Claim Online

In your own time, you can notify us of your claim online. We can then call you if we require further information to finalise your lodgement.

Claim online now

Chat With a Team Member

Chat with a member from our claims team on Monday-Friday from 8am-4pm.

Chat with us now

Call Us on 1800 069 336

A friendly member of our team will assist you over the phone. If you have your policy number on hand then this will help us with your query.

Call us now