Canstar & Money Magazine's
Insurer of the Year
To reduce the dangers of driving tired, the Australian Government recommends you stop and rest for at least 15 minutes after every two hours of driving.
Use this tool to help you find places – like rest areas and cafes – to stop along your route. When you’re done, export your pit-stop plan to Google Maps for turn-by-turn directions.
No route found for those locations
Prepare for your trip with
Source: Queensland Government, Driving Tired
Times, distances and pit stops are provided by Google Maps.
Disclaimer: While Budget Direct has endeavoured to ensure the information we’ve relied on is accurate and current, we do not guarantee it. Budget Direct accepts no liability for this information.
On your first year’s membership
when you purchase online
Drag the path on the map to change your route.
Trip Length
{{ stops.totalDistance }}kmTrip Time
{{ stops.totalHours }}hr {{ stops.totalMins }}minSuggested Stops
{{ stops.restStops }} Rest StopsPrepare for your trip with
The PitStop Planner is experiencing heavy traffic and cannot process your request. Please try again tomorrow.
Roadside Assistance will commence 48 hours after the purchase of the Roadside Assistance policy. If you need assistance within 48 hours – or help at any time with a pre-existing condition – a non-refundable service charge of $110 will apply, in addition to your annual membership fee.
Subject to our fair use policy, which is explained in our terms and conditions.